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10 Birds That Look Like Orioles

Not Every Orange and Yellow Bird Is an Oriole

10 Birds That Look Like Orioles

Hooded Oriole

The Hooded Oriole is a bright yellow bird with a black head and wings. It is similar in size to the Baltimore Oriole, but has a shorter tail. Hooded Orioles are found in the southeastern United States and Mexico.

Altamira Oriole

The Altamira Oriole is a bright yellow bird with a black mask and wings. It is similar in size to the Baltimore Oriole, but has a longer tail. Altamira Orioles are found in Mexico and Central America.

Bullock's Oriole

Bullock's Oriole is a bright yellow bird with a black head and wings. It is similar in size to the Baltimore Oriole, but has a shorter tail and a white rump. Bullock's Orioles are found in western North America.

Scott's Oriole

Scott's Oriole is a bright yellow bird with a black head and wings. It is similar in size to the Baltimore Oriole, but has a shorter tail and a bright orange rump. Scott's Orioles are found in Mexico and the southwestern United States.

Streak-backed Oriole

The Streak-backed Oriole is a bright yellow bird with a black head and wings. It is similar in size to the Baltimore Oriole, but has a shorter tail and a white rump with black streaks. Streak-backed Orioles are found in Mexico and Central America.

Yellow-rumped Warbler

The Yellow-rumped Warbler is a small yellow bird with a black head and wings. It is much smaller than the Baltimore Oriole, and has a shorter tail. Yellow-rumped Warblers are found throughout North America.

American Goldfinch

The American Goldfinch is a small yellow bird with a black cap and wings. It is much smaller than the Baltimore Oriole, and has a shorter tail. American Goldfinches are found throughout North America.

Orange-crowned Warbler

The Orange-crowned Warbler is a small yellow bird with a black head and wings. It is much smaller than the Baltimore Oriole, and has a shorter tail. Orange-crowned Warblers are found throughout western North America.

Lucy's Warbler

Lucy's Warbler is a small yellow bird with a black head and wings. It is much smaller than the Baltimore Oriole, and has a shorter tail. Lucy's Warblers are found in Mexico and the southwestern United States.

Virginia's Warbler

Virginia's Warbler is a small yellow bird with a black head and wings. It is much smaller than the Baltimore Oriole, and has a shorter tail. Virginia's Warblers are found in Mexico and the southwestern United States.


As you can see, there are many different birds that look like orioles. However, not every orange and yellow bird is an oriole. If you see a bird that you think might be an oriole, take a close look at its size, shape, and markings. This will help you to identify the bird correctly.
